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Cromwell Community College

Secondary Transition - Year 6 into Year 7


During October we hold our Open Evening - date detailed below. This is a high profile event, which give any member of the community an opportunity to see a showcase of the pupils’ achievements at Cromwell.  All departments are open and visitors can wander freely around the College or have a guided tour from one of our pupils. There will be a presentation by the Executive Headteacher during this evening.

In the Spring term, a member of the Senior Leadership Team will visit the local primary schools to give a presentation and an opportunity for questions and answers in a more personalised setting. The presentation will give pupils an insight into daily life at Cromwell Community College. Click the link below to view:

Cromwell Presentation for Year 6 Pupils 

Throughout the year, we liaise closely with all our partner primary schools to support themed weeks and initiatives across the curriculum.

Also during May, we organise individual appointments with a senior member of staff, for parents/carers and pupils; these last approximately 20 minutes and are there to allow us to get to know your child to ensure they are appropriately placed in Tutor groups. 

We are aware that many of our pupils have made exceptional progress in specific subject areas at primary school.  We have a transition programme in place that ensures we are fully aware of their current achievements and build on these.

Finally, in July pupils have the opportunity to come to Cromwell for three days with all other Year 6 pupils and experience a day with their new year group.  Parents/carers and pupils will then return on one of the evenings to meet their Tutor as an end to the programme.

Open Evenings

Our Open Evening is taking place on Thursday 24 October 2024 from 5:00pm - 8:00pm.

There will be presentations from the Executive Headteacher and Transitions Lead at 5:00pm and 6:00pm in the Auditorium, giving information about the transition process and life at Cromwell. After watching one of the presentations, you will be able to look around the College, either accompanied by a pupil guide or by yourselves. Each department will have interactive activities to give children a real taste of what to expect at Cromwell.

Individual Appointments

Between Monday 12 May and Friday 23 May 2025, we will invite all parents/carers to a meeting at your child's primary school for an appointment of up to 30 minutes with a senior member of staff.  During the appointment, we will discuss your child's strengths and talents, as well as any concerns you may have about settling in to specific subject areas so we can support all their needs.

  • Our Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinators (SENDCo), Mrs Amor and Mr Stanford; will be available for appointments with those pupils who need their advice and guidance.
  • Year 6 partner primary school offices will hold appointment sheets for all the staff attending; this will vary according to the size of the school.

Please could you liaise with your child's Year 6 Teacher or primary school office to sign up for an appointment slot when the appointment times are published.

For pupils that attend other primary schools, we still offer individual appointments, these will be held on Thursday 22 May 2025 from 4:00pm - 6:30pm at Cromwell.  Parents/carers affected will be contacted directly.

Transition Days

All pupils will be invited to attend three transition days at Cromwell during the Summer Term 2024 - Wednesday 2 July, Tuesday 8 July and Thursday 10 July 2025.

These transition days are where all our prospective Year 7 pupils come to Cromwell for the day to meet and bond with their Form group.

The days are centred around what a day at Cromwell is like.  Pupils will attend a variety of lessons, such as English, Maths, Science, Physical Education (PE), History, Art and Music.  The exact lessons vary year on year.  Pupils will also attend an assembly with their Head of Year, visit the College Library and spend time in their Form group meeting and getting to know other pupils and their Form Tutor.

Pupils also get to experience break and lunchtimes and have time to explore the College, finding their way around before they start in September.  We also actively encourage pupils who live outside of Chatteris to use the College buses to and from College to ensure they gain the full experience.


Transition Parental Evening

On the evening of Tuesday 8 July 2025 5:00pm - 6:30pm, we invite all parents/carers into College to meet with their child’s Form Tutor. The Form Tutor gives a talk on important information parents/carers need to be aware of and share details of how to contact them.  This is also a final opportunity to ask any questions before your child starts in September.


Individual School Events

During the course of the year, we have a transition calendar which provides a record of all the events that take place in our partner primary schools and other schools where Cromwell is their secondary school of choice.  Primary schools will take the lead here and request Cromwell staff to support events to aid transition. Previous events have included:

  • Science Week - We support the primaries in delivering exciting and engaging science lesson and activities throughout science week and beyond. Examples include; heart dissections, forensic science sessions, static electricity demonstrations and chemistry themed assemblies.


  • Careers Convention – primary schools attend Cromwell and pupils meet potential future employers and College and University providers.
  • Junior Maths Challenge – confident mathematicians compete in this annual event at Cromwell, with pupils achieving bronze, silver and gold awards.

  • Drama productions – pupils are invited during the school day to come and watch the drama rehearsals taking place for the annual summer performance.
  • Schools Make Music – an annual event organised by the Rotary Club and Cromwell, which brings together local primary and secondary school pupils to perform in this musical spectacular.

Click here to view our Secondary Curriculum Overview

Click here to see important dates for your diary

If you have any questions or would like to speak with someone about the College or your child's transition from primary to secondary, please feel free to contact Mrs Brittain via email at hbrittain@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk