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Cromwell Community College

Labour Market Information (LMI)

Labour market information is a key source of information for careers. Cromwell has access to this information from the Careers Enterprise organisations we interact with, and will provide regular updates as they become available.

The information in the presentation below is up to date as of September 2023.

This information should be reviewed and considered as part of a students decisions on possible career pathways and post-16 or higher education or training. It typically shows what types of careers are available locally, and sometimes country wide, as well as opportunities that are currently growing, and opportunities that are shrinking.

Please take time to look through the information provided, and if there are any questions, please contact Mr N Matthews, the Cromwell Careers Lead.

cpca lmi dashboard 24 01 2023.pdf

Click here to go to the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Labour Market Information Website 


Recognising the importance of labour market information as part of making choices regarding education (GCSE Options and Post-16 choices), we have included a link to an organization website called ‘LMI for all’. This link includes a widget called ‘Careerometer’ which allows an individual to explore LMI information in many different ways.