Health & Social Care
"Communicating, values of care, body systems and disorders, understanding life stages; what an amazing array of varied topics to be uncovered and investigated within health and social care.”
Welcome to the Health & Social Care subject page. Below you will find a breakdown of each year group, including what is taught, how we assess, what enrichment opportunities there are and what can be expected in terms of homework. If you need any further information please contact Miss Stone, at
Click here to view the Health & Social Care curriculum map
Homework is set on a regular basis by the class teacher and can be accessed by logging into your Go4Schools account.
Here are links to websites to enhance your learning:
Ability Grouping
Health and Social Care will be taught in mixed ability groups.
Teaching Staff
Miss K Stone
Mrs G Fulcher
Mrs V Underwood
Mrs J Galvin
Mrs J Sidlow
Key Stage 4
OCR Cambridge National Level 1/2 Certificate in Health and Social Care J835
You do not necessarily have to want to work within the Health and Social care industry once you have completed this vocational course. This is a course that will prepare you for employment in the health, social care and early years’ sectors, but also deliver the key skills required to enter into any environment. This course is designed to help prepare you for the world of work ensuring you have effective communication skills, you understand how the human body functions and what influences the way in which we grow and develop. Units and assignments are based around realistic case studies, as well as applying your own personal experiences.
In terms of work – there is a lot!! You will be required to produce concise, complex and detailed portfolios of work for each unit, and there will be a large emphasis placed upon your ability to work independently and follow guidelines set by the teacher, and then add to these by carrying out additional independent research.
What will I study?
You will learn about health, social care and early years care settings and develop the knowledge and skills that will enable you to progress to the next level in your education and/or training in this field if you choose this pathway.
The course includes the completion of three units in total:
Unit RO32: Principles of care in health and social care settings
This unit looks at rights, care values, legislation, communication and hygiene, safety and security measures. You will look at equality, diversity and discrimination that can occur within any setting – identification and discussions of real issues that occur in today’s society will be at the forefront of your ability to apply theoretical knowledge into practice.
This is an external examination.
Unit R033: Supporting individuals through life events
This unit looks at the life and life stages from children to older adulthood, the expected and unexpected life events which can impact someone physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and financially as well as the needs they may have and the support they can access.
This is an internally assessed piece of work which must be completed within one academic year.
Unit R034: Health promotion campaigns
This unit looks at therapeutic and creative activities and their impact on service users you and you will plan, create, deliver and evaluate a creative activity of your own.
How will I learn?
You will use a variety of learning opportunities ranging from: class based lessons, small and large group work and presentations, independent research, role play, class discussion, research and practical activity.
What skills are essential?
- Ability to study independently
- Be a self-motivator
- Able to meet deadlines
- Be able to make detailed class notes
- Demonstrate an ability to communicate in public
- Be able to research independently
- Demonstrate effective writing skills
How will I be assessed?
Unit 32 is an external exam and worth 40% of your final grade and must be taken at the end of year 11. For the other two units you will be completing timed coursework sessions in class which are based on a series of tasks and case studies set by the awarding body, the task must be completed within each academic year and cannot be ‘carried forward’. Coursework could take the form of in depth essays, posters, information packs, leaflets or even display materials as well as interviews and a presentation and evaluation.
Please click here to view the Key Stage 4 Assessment Grid
Please click here to view the Cambridge National Level 1/2 exam specification
What grade can be achieved?
You can achieve this qualification at Level 1 (distinction, merit, pass) or Level 2 (distinction*, distinction, merit, pass).
Where can this course take me?
The health and social care industry is far reaching. It is a sector that has huge influence on many in our society and it offers a broad range of career opportunities such as teaching, physiotherapy, speech therapy, counselling, registered nursing, health care assistants, social workers, nursery nurse, play leader, community worker and health visitor – the list is endless!
Most pupils use the Level 2 course as a base for further study or progression onto a Level 3 program in health and social care, but this can lead you to apprenticeships or aid in accessing college placements.
The list of possible opportunities is endless, the great thing is that you can move up the career ladder and across different areas in a rewarding and challenging career.
Key Stage 5
Health and Social Care Level 3 (Diploma)
This course allows you to study a broad selection of health-related topics, as an introduction to the many career opportunities in the Health, Social or Early Years’ sectors. As the course unfolds you will develop the knowledge, skills and qualities that are necessary for professional practice in the Health or Care sectors, you should have a real passion to help people in one of these fields.
Although the course is highly varied, it focuses on three core sectors (Health; Adult Social Care; and the Children and Young People’s Workforce), which support the care and development of people in society. As such, you will gain an insight into the intrinsic value of human beings, and how society caters for their many diverse needs.
As well as discovering about current research in Health and Social Care; the principles of safe practice; and the ways to promote public health; the course will develop your knowledge of a range of fascinating topics, including:
Mandatory Units
- Building positive relationships
- Equality, diversity, and rights
- Health, safety, and security
- Anatomy and physiology
- Infection control - internal assessment
- Personalisation and person-centred approach to care
- Safeguarding
Optional Units
- Long term physiological conditions
- Supporting people with mental health conditions
- Supporting people with dementia
- Sexual health and reproduction
- Public Health
This qualification is designed to enable individuals to enter employment in health and social care, through a work-related training programme or higher education. It also opens many avenues for future career pathways such as alternative therapy work, social care, physiotherapy, child psychology, nursing, and education, as well as the emergency services. You can work with young children, people with physical and/or learning difficulties and the elderly in a variety of environments.
Examination Board: OCR
Please click here to view the Cambridge National Level 2/3 exam specification
Please click here to view the Key Stage 5 Assessment Grid