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Cromwell Community College

Breakfast and After School Club

BASC (ID 1038)

The Breakfast and After School Club at Cromwell has access to some fantastic facilities and space, allowing us to provide a wide range of activities for your child to enjoy and explore that stimulate their imagination. This includes creative themes, role play, construction and physical outdoor play, as well as offering comfortable areas for your child to relax when needed, such as curling up with a book or watching a movie, all within a safe environment. In addition, we offer a variety of healthy food choices to meet dietary requirements.

Breakfast and After School Club is a fantastic way for your child to socialise with other children within the Primary Phase outside of their classroom environment, to develop friendships, support each other and have fun together!

Opening Times

 Before School Club

 7:30am - 8:45am  Monday to Friday

 After School Club

 3:15pm - 5:30pm  Monday to Thursday

 3:15pm - 5:00pm  Friday

We open at 7:30am and cannot accept responsibility for children before that time. A responsible person (16 years or over) must drop them off, so please do not leave your child in the playground or drop them off at the gate.  The Breakfast and After School Club Manager will collect children from the classroom at 3:15pm and they will then be registered at the club. Breakfast and After School Club will only run when the school itself is open for the children. For example, it will not be open during the school holidays or on teacher training days. 


To contact during opening hours call:  07951 834228

Session Costs


7:30am - 8:45am £5.00

7:45am - 8:45am £4.00

8:30am - 8:45am £1.00 


3:15pm - 3:30pm £1.00

3:15pm - 4:00pm £3.00

3:15pm - 4:30pm £5.00

3:15pm - 5:00pm £7.00

3:15pm - 5:30pm £9.00

If your child is attending an organised club before After School Club:

4:00pm - 4:30pm £2.00

4:00pm - 5:00pm £4.00

4:00pm - 5:30pm £6.00

All snacks are included in these costs.


Breakfast Club:

  • Cereal with or without milk
  • Toast with dairy free spread, jam, honey or marmite
  • Fromage frais
  • Fruit 

After School Club:

  • A selection of wraps or sandwiches with ham or cheese
  • Cheese, jam or honey on toast
  • Toasted muffins with dairy free spread, jam or honey
  • Pizza and garlic bread
  • Crackers with cheese or honey
  • Friday buffet
  • A selection of fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Homemade biscuits and cookies

We will aim to meet the needs of all special dietary requirements.


Breakfast and After School Club closes promptly at 5:30pm (5:00pm on Fridays) and all children must be collected by this time, late collection beyond your booking time will incur a charge of £1 for every 15 minutes however if this is after 5:30pm (or 5:00pm on Fridays) then the charge will be £1 per minute.

When you collect your child, they will be marked out and their time of collection. This is essential as the register is used as a checklist in case of a fire.  No child may leave without being accompanied by a nominated person. If you have arranged for someone else to collect your child(ren) then you must speak to a member of staff or contact the Main Office who will make sure a message gets to relevant staff. If this is not done, we will not allow your child to leave unless we have spoken to you and sought permission.

Only nominated persons will be allowed to collect children from the Club, and they must be aged 16 years or over. At the end of an evening session if a responsible adult fails to turn up and we are unable to contact any of the named persons on the registration form, we will follow the school procedures for a “left child” (if there is no contact with responsible person within 30 minutes, Social Care will be contacted).  


To purchase a slot for Breakfast and/or After School Club please log onto your ParentMail account, go to 'Accounts', either Breakfast and/or After School Club,  click on the calendar to select the date required, select time slots, select 'Pay Now'. Your calendar will then show in green if the item has been purchased, beige if it is still in your basket and dark grey if it is not available.

We advise that parents/carers apply for working family tax credits, as you may be entitled to help with childcare costs.

One-off bookings can be made subject to availability, with payment at time of booking via ParentMail. 

Please note: When you fill in a booking form for Breakfast and After School Club, you are entering into a contract and so are liable for all the costs of the hours you have booked.

Methods of payment  -  ParentMail. Childcare vouchers can also be used.


If you need to cancel your child’s place at the club, you will need to give 24 hours' notice to not be charged. As you will have paid in advance, these charges will be deducted from future payments. You will be charged for booked sessions even if your child does not attend that have not been cancelled. You will not be charged if your child goes home from school due to sickness or if they are attending a school sporting event.

