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Cromwell Community College

Acceptable Use of ICT

The aim of Cromwell Community College is to help develop your ability to keep yourself safe when using technology such as the internet, so that you can benefit from it as a learning tool. If there is anything in this document that you do not understand, please ask your Form Tutor.

 As a pupil at Cromwell Community College, you are bound by the terms in this agreement, so ensure that you have read these rules carefully and understand what they mean to you.

  1. I will only enter a computer room and use a computer if I have been given permission.
  2. I will use the equipment responsibly and not tamper with it in any way.
  3. I will not eat or drink in a computer room.
  4. I will always leave my workstation and my chair tidy when I have finished my session.
  5. I will notify the teacher immediately if the ICT network and equipment are being misused in any way.
  6. I will only use ICT systems in school, including the internet, email, digital video, mobile technologies, etc. for school purposes.
  7. I will only log on to systems with my own user name and password.
  8. I will follow the schools ICT security system and not reveal my password or any other personal details such as my name, phone number or address.
  9. I will not leave any computer unattended once I have logged on and even if I have a break between double lessons or I am collecting work from another room.
  10. I will respect the privacy and ownership of others’ work on-line at all times.
  11. I will only use my school email address. Any messages I send via email or via any other ICT system will be responsible, sensible, polite and not offensive.
  12. I will be responsible for my behaviour when using the Internet. This includes resources I access.
  13. I will not download or install software on school equipment.
  14. I will not play games, access chat rooms or send instant messages/emails on the college computers during lesson times, unless directed to by a member of staff.
  15. I will not use my mobile phone, or any applications thereon, in conjunction with any of the school computer equipment.
  16. I will respect copyright rules and acknowledge all sources of information. I understand that plagiarism is unacceptable.  If discovered, it will have serious consequences, such as the disqualification from public examinations.
  17. I will not deliberately browse, download, upload or forward material that could be considered offensive, upsetting to any member of the school community or illegal. I will not attempt to bypass the internet filtering system.  If I accidentally come across any such material I will report it immediately to a teacher.  I will also immediately report any unpleasant material or messages sent to me.
  18. I will not arrange to meet someone in person whom I have only met online without telling an adult at home or at school.
  19. Images of pupils and/or staff will only be taken, stored and used for school purposes in line with school policy. They will not be distributed outside the school network without permission.
  20. I will ensure that my online activity, both in and outside school, will not cause the school, the staff, the pupils or anyone else distress, and will not bring the school into disrepute.
  21. I understand that I will be challenged if my use of Social Media and any on-line activity brings the College into disrepute, causes offence, promotes extremist views or is upsetting at any time. I understand that my parents/carers will be informed and, in significant cases, information may be passed to external agencies such as the Police or Social Care.
  22. I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be monitored and logged and can be made available to my teachers.
  23. The school does not recommend that I bring electronic devices into school but, if I choose to, I accept that I must take every reasonable step to keep them safe. I will hand in electronic devices to my PE teacher before PE lessons so that they can be locked up.  The school will not be held responsible for loss or damage to any device that is not handed in prior to a PE lesson, or left unattended/in a locker.
  24. I understand that computer suites are monitored with CCTV to maintain a safe working environment for all our pupils. I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be monitored and logged and can be made available to my teachers.

I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe and that if they are not followed, school sanctions will be applied which may include the withdrawal of use of my ICT provision and my parent/carer may be contacted.

I understand that there are ways in which use of a computer, via internet, mobile devices and social networking sites can lead to a form of abuse if used in an inappropriate way. I understand that e-safety is the College’s ability to protect and educate pupils and staff in their use of technology and to have appropriate mechanisms to intervene and support any incident where appropriate.

All pupils use ICT systems, including the internet, email and mobile technologies in school as an essential part of learning.  Pupils and their parents/carers/guardians are asked to show that eSafety rules have been understood and agreed.

Before signing this form, make sure that you have read the complete document and discussed it with your parent/guardian/carer.

I have read and understand the e-Safety and Acceptable Use Policy for Pupils.  I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe and that if they are not followed, school sanctions will be applied which may include the withdrawal of use of my ICT provision and my parent/carer may be contacted.  I agree to follow the eSafety and Acceptable Use Policy for Pupils when:

  • I use the school ICT systems and equipment (both in and out of school)
  • I use my own equipment in school e.g. mobile phones
  • I use my own equipment out of school in a way that is related to me being a member of this school e.g. communicating with other members of the school, accessing school email, websites etc.

Parent’s Consent for Web Publications of Work and Photographs

  • I agree that my child’s work may be electronically published
  • I also agree that the appropriate images and video that include my child may be published subject to the school rule that photographs will not be accompanied by pupil names in a manner which would be easy to link individuals to images

Parent’s Consent for Internet Access

  • I have read and understood the e-Safety Acceptable Use Policy for Pupils.
  • I understand that my child will be required to use a range of technology, including the internet, to further their learning.
  • I understand that the school will take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of my child while they are using that technology, but accept that there is an element of risk.
  • I understand that the school cannot be held responsible for the content of materials accessed through the internet. I agree that the school is not liable for any damages arising from use of the internet facilities or other technology.

Social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter and other similar online forums) are widely used and allow people to communicate in ways that were not previously possible. Unfortunately, such sites can also be used inappropriately as a means of expressing negative or offensive views about schools and their staff.  Cromwell Community College will always try to deal with concerns raised by parents in a professional and appropriate manner using the correct procedures and direct discussion.  College will not respond to allegations made via Social Media and may be forced to seek legal advice where Social Media is used to air views inappropriately.

We therefore respectfully remind parent/carer’s to use such sites safely and appropriately.